Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Rotten Little Helper

Ahhh I got the new pet "Rotten Little Helper" from the Winter Veil dailies...yeehaww! Look at him, he's such a mean looking little dude. Ohh I also got whistled at lol. Yep my hunter is smexy.



Yesterday I got an achievement "GAUDY WINTER VEIL SWEATER" because I received eeerr a "gaudy winter veil sweater" from the Winter Veil dailies. You can click on the sweater and you will see musical notes floating around you and it will look like you're singing (opening and closing your mouth like a goldfish) though I don't hear any actual singing. Anyway thanks Santa!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Lets Waste It

What to do with all my money....hmmmm what to do? Let's waste it on some Blizzard mounts ahah! :p I got myself the Armored Bloodwing and the Swift Windsteed. I think the Bloodwing will look awesome for my warlock. I like that the Swift Windsteed is not big and bulky. Sometimes big mounts annoy me...sometimes hehe so I like to have options. I don't buy stuff from the Blizzard store often, I just felt like giving myself a treat this time :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Warlock Dress Up

I just finished some low level quests in Terokkar Forest that gives me a red staff that I think fits my Warlock red outfit. I'm almost done with her dress up. Just need to get Red Mageweave gloves and a matching belt. The hat, shoulders and slippers I got from doing quests too in Netherstorm and I have been keeping them ever since in the bank.


Nothing to do with WoW but I found this to be so befitting in some cases ^_^ Cheers!

Red Red Wine

Awww my warlock has hit level 88 ^_^ It won't be long now till she hit the big 90. I'm going to transmorg her with something that will match her red pointy hat. So da cuteh :D

Friday, November 22, 2013

My Warlock Hit Level 80!

Seeing how long it took to level her, this IS a real feat hahaha. She maxed her Inscription...finally and made her first pet with Inscription, the Chi-Ji Kite.  Hooray for Miniskirt!

You're Going To Be Rich!

5K richer indeed. I was obsessed with making the Mysterious Fortune Card when the anticipated 5K flipped. What good luck :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Surprise In The Bag

Ahhh what a nice surprise...

I was feeling bumped out when the glove token still refused to drop for me from The Curator after so many weeks of trying. Hearthed back and was clearing my bag of all the junk when I saw something blue. It showed as Instant Arcane Sanctum Security Kit *gasped* Oooh the pet dropped from The Curator and I didn't even realized it hehe.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Broom Broom

I think I echo the voice of other WoW players in hoping the broom mount be permanent (((echo echooo))). And if I get one more of the broom I will scream. I want the Horseman's Reins. Yup, that one....

Friday, October 18, 2013

Queued Queued

Just updated my game time but I'm still "Queued". Initial excitement to meet the Headless Horseman has officially died down.  Oh how I miss him. Now I'm just sleepy *yawn* I think Blizzard is having some problems because it seemed I'm not the only one with this problem of having error while logging.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Deejavu of the 4th Kind

I took this photo of myself before I started playing World of Warcraft. When I did buy the game, I thought hey the Night Elf on the Classic Game DVD Box almost had the same pose as one of my photos haha. And almost similar kind of hairstyle ^_^. 

SoD DoTs

I think I would "try" to level my warlock next. She's too cute. But don't let her looks fool you folks. As tiny as she is, she packs a punch with her DoTs! Though most of the heavy duty whacking was done by my bodyguard right there. Just look at his rippling muscles. He sure knows how to wield his axe. Right now my target for her is level 75 so I can proceed to level my profession further. I wanted to make a shit load of Mysterious Fortune Cards just for the fun of it. I can already make them but it would be such a waste as I will not be able to level my profession further unless I'm level 75 and can see the trainer again. Since making the cards would give me points, I would wait till I hit level 75.

My Priest Can Do The Vogue

I just wanted to share this because I thought it was an awesome screen shot. This was taken before the transmorg. That necklace just screams for attention.

Frequent Flyer on Timeless Isle

I don't know what this bird has been digesting but it was definitely not pleasant *raised eyebrows*. Made me sick for days and not to mention the stiff neck I suffered due to the way I was "handled". This is the way to fly to great heights in Timeless getting one of this flying furries to pick you up by making them mad. And no no you don't get a frequent flyer reward. If you want to get down, you just have to kill it. Yes, its brutal. Make sure you do that where you can land safely or you both will be pancakes.

50 First Dates with Rare Elites

I've done some vanity pet searching with my hunter. So far I have gotten all 3 drops from rare elites. My first try was the Haywire Sunreaver Construct. This machine can zap your health very fast and the moment it stops, I suggest you heal yourself with whatever you got before another wave of his zapping begins. You can run away about 40 yards when he does this thing and you might be saved. Ohh try clearing the surrounding area first though because you might bump into them. At first I thought I couldn't get to him because there was some big rocks that seperate the beach area but I managed to find one that I can climb over.  He drops this cool looking Sunreaver Micro-Sentry which is basically a mini him.

Here is how the bad terminator looks like. I found his mugshot online.

I also got an Aqua Strider from a Rare Elite called Nalash Verdantis and Grinder which dropped from Karr the Darkener. Both resides in Dread Waste so you can go back and forth till one rare appears. You might have to kill them a few times because they don't always drop it.

Steelhorn Steak

I just wanted to mention that I have found the elusive Ironfur Steelhorn at Timeless Isle. I got hime on the 25th of September so it was some time ago. I just didn't have the time to post it. Ok I was actually lazy.....With that kill, I got the achievement Timeless Champion. Whooohooo :) Made a nice steak out of Steelhorn for me and my Sugarbabe hehe.

Winter Is Coming

"She's all he sees when he closes his eyes. No matter how much he tries to forget her, no matter how much he drinks...she's always there. He can't escape her." - Bloodlines 

Innocent As An Angel, Sexy as a Devil

I am still putting together the transmorg gear for my priest. She is 'almost' done except that The Curator from Karazhan simply refused to drop the glove token. Right now Annasuii is stuck with a glove that is not doing her any fashion justice.

Since Annasuii is a Shadow Priest, I wanted her to look a little like an angel and a little like a sexy devil that she is. Hence the wing-like shoulders and the horn head gear. The white flowy innocence of a Mooncloth robe with a touch of a fierce glowing skull belt that I was able to sew from my Tailoring. To get the white shoes, I made a low level Red Woolen Boots. The best part is, with that robe you can only see the white part of the boots and not the red. I topped it off with this beautiful Ethereum Life-Staff from Tempest Keep.

Lets just hope next week's Karazhan run will yield me that glove I so lust for. And then her transformation is complete.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Must Be My Priest Lucky Day

Like the title says, must be my priest lucky today. Went into Tempest Keep to get the T5 token for the shoulder from Void Reaver. On the way I thought, lets kill Al'ar first. And I got a surprise drop of the Phoenix Hawk Hatcling. I thought woohoo!  It looked like a normal dragonhawk pet but it do a cute little swirl that the normal one don't. Then my priest proceeded to kill Void Reaver.  It took a while for my priest to get him down but I did it and was happy that Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender dropped. But wait a minute....what's that blue thing in the loot...*insert shocked face* ANOTHER PET!! A Pocket Reaver! Ain't he cute ^_^.  Since I'm already there, I thought why not see if I can solo High Astromancer Solarian. It took another while too to get her to her knees but I did it and the staff dropped! Ethereum Life-Staff. It would look great for my transmorg. And whoa....what's that other blue thing...AHMAGAWD!! Another pet! Whoptedoooo. The Lesser Voidcaller looked so awesome. Its really really REALLY too bad that she cannot solo Kael'thas Sunstrider. I just had a feeling the flying mount would drop too hehe.

And then I thought to myself...I guess its really her lucky day, hmmm maybe I should just go try out Karazhan. Its easy to solo that horse boss. Who knows the mount would drop....

Ladies and did *gobsmacked*

My luck stopped there though. I headed to Black Temple to try my luck at getting the other staff for transmorg and also the cowl. It ran dry as the Sahara dessert. Another week then! I'm still feeling happy :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Today is Not My Priest Day

So I finally found someone to help me out with Lady Vashj. We killed her and she dropped everything else but my cowl. What a bitch that Lady Vashj! I'm really not looking forward to doing her again. Urghh that sounds so wrong....

Two players could definitely down her and more would make it an express service.

Ironfur Steelhorn Where Art Thou?

I have been waiting a long time for this elusive bugger. I "almost" got to him one time and that was when I took a 5 minutes break just to see his dead carcass right next to me when I came back to the screen. Very nice timing...NOT. In Wowhead there are comments and suggestions about killing all the Ironfur herds around to get a spawn of the rare. I have been doing it and I saw people killing them as well but I don't see any spawn. Did Mr Steelhorn packed his bag and left town??

Monday, September 23, 2013

Introducing My Shadow Priest

After I am done transmorging my hunter, I went along to level my Priest to 90. Its about time!! I'm not a hardcore player so it takes a while to do so. Sometimes I just don't have the time with all the things that is going on. I used to have automatic renewal for my account but now I just do on a manual monthly renewal. If I felt like there would be too many things in real life that I needed to work on or focus, I would just delay renewing my subscriptions when it expires. It would be kind of wasteful to just keep paying when you hardly play.

Here is my before and after priest. I wanted to transmorg my priest to be an all white angelic looking Night Elf but I am currently having difficulty soloing Lady Vashj. She pawned me about 5 times last night and I had to call it quits. It was the second phase that got me with all the mob spawns that kept fearing me endlessly. It was also a daunting task to get from one Tainted Elemental from one side of the room to the other to get the Tainted Cores. They can appear just about any side and it would seemed to take forever with the fearing. If you get to them too late, they disappear. I think 2 level 90 could do the trick. There are those who can solo this bad girl but I'm not on that list hehe. I don't earn my Noob Queen for nothing ya know ;)

The top photo is the before and the bottom after I geared Epic gears from Timeless Isle. I'm still missing the shoes for her. It will drop soon I hope. Her look is pretty nice at the moment actually. I kind of like the whole Asian concept especially the head piece. I think it looked so cute on her. Come say Hi if you're on Aman'thul - US Server.

My Hunter's Extreme Fashion Makeover

This is my first total transmorg set that I fell in love with the moment I saw it. I went through an extreme makeover if you may call it, even with my pet. I went to Silvermoon City to look for the Lynx outside the city just to complete the colour theme look lol. I named her Sugarbabe.

Shoulder - Battleforge Shoulderguards
Chest - Engraved Breastplate
Hands - Battleforge Gauntlets
Waist - Battleforge Girdle
Legs - Battleforge Legguards
Feet - Battleforge Boots
Bow - Golden Bow of Quel'Thalas

This transmorg set sold for a pretty hefty amout at the AH so it could burn a whole in your WoW pocket. Unless you have all the time in the world to farm mobs with the hope that they would drop for you. Ever since Blizzard added this transmorg feature, it gave me more fun because I love dressing up my characters :)