After I am done transmorging my hunter, I went along to level my Priest to 90. Its about time!! I'm not a hardcore player so it takes a while to do so. Sometimes I just don't have the time with all the things that is going on. I used to have automatic renewal for my account but now I just do on a manual monthly renewal. If I felt like there would be too many things in real life that I needed to work on or focus, I would just delay renewing my subscriptions when it expires. It would be kind of wasteful to just keep paying when you hardly play.
Here is my before and after priest. I wanted to transmorg my priest to be an all white angelic looking Night Elf but I am currently having difficulty soloing Lady Vashj. She pawned me about 5 times last night and I had to call it quits. It was the second phase that got me with all the mob spawns that kept fearing me endlessly. It was also a daunting task to get from one Tainted Elemental from one side of the room to the other to get the Tainted Cores. They can appear just about any side and it would seemed to take forever with the fearing. If you get to them too late, they disappear. I think 2 level 90 could do the trick. There are those who can solo this bad girl but I'm not on that list hehe. I don't earn my Noob Queen for nothing ya know ;)
The top photo is the before and the bottom after I geared Epic gears from Timeless Isle. I'm still missing the shoes for her. It will drop soon I hope. Her look is pretty nice at the moment actually. I kind of like the whole Asian concept especially the head piece. I think it looked so cute on her. Come say Hi if you're on Aman'thul - US Server.
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