Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Must Be My Priest Lucky Day

Like the title says, must be my priest lucky today. Went into Tempest Keep to get the T5 token for the shoulder from Void Reaver. On the way I thought, lets kill Al'ar first. And I got a surprise drop of the Phoenix Hawk Hatcling. I thought woohoo!  It looked like a normal dragonhawk pet but it do a cute little swirl that the normal one don't. Then my priest proceeded to kill Void Reaver.  It took a while for my priest to get him down but I did it and was happy that Pauldrons of the Vanquished Defender dropped. But wait a minute....what's that blue thing in the loot...*insert shocked face* ANOTHER PET!! A Pocket Reaver! Ain't he cute ^_^.  Since I'm already there, I thought why not see if I can solo High Astromancer Solarian. It took another while too to get her to her knees but I did it and the staff dropped! Ethereum Life-Staff. It would look great for my transmorg. And whoa....what's that other blue thing...AHMAGAWD!! Another pet! Whoptedoooo. The Lesser Voidcaller looked so awesome. Its really really REALLY too bad that she cannot solo Kael'thas Sunstrider. I just had a feeling the flying mount would drop too hehe.

And then I thought to myself...I guess its really her lucky day, hmmm maybe I should just go try out Karazhan. Its easy to solo that horse boss. Who knows the mount would drop....

Ladies and did *gobsmacked*

My luck stopped there though. I headed to Black Temple to try my luck at getting the other staff for transmorg and also the cowl. It ran dry as the Sahara dessert. Another week then! I'm still feeling happy :)

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